Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The daily useful short sentences for you to learn Dinka language. By Jiɛ̈ŋ Institute of Education1. Abuk yïn cɔɔl baba = Abuk daddy is calling you.
2. Miir ee län bäär në läi yic Kedhiɛ= giraffe is a tallest animal among all the animals.
3. Miäk në gɛ̈ɛ̈ŋakɔ̈l, ke dhuk abë bul yup = tomorrow in the afternoon, the boy will beat the drum.
4. Wɔ kɔr buk ruëthë caa = we want to drink some milk.
5. Piath ku rɛ̈ɛ̈c aamɛ̈ɛ̈n =righteous and evil are competing.
6. Piööcku röth në thoŋda = let’s learn our language.
7. We ca keek loor në miɛtë piɔ̈u në yeköölë = I have welcomed you with joyful today.
8. Wɔ ye piööny në diɛt ke duɔ̈ɔ̈r = we praised with Hymnal songs.
9. Wɔ tɔ̈ në pɛɛi de diäk yic = we are in a month of March.
10. Jɔt rɔt ku piɔny Bɛ̈nydït! =get up and praise the Lord!
11. Meth acam cuïn= the child is eating food.
12. Meth acï cuïn cam =  the child has eaten food.
13. Meth acïï cuïn cam =  the  child is not eating food.
14. Meth aceŋ gaar = the child is wearing the shell.
15. Dunnë lɔ biyic në muɔ̈ɔ̈th yic=don’t go outside in the darkness.
16. Miɔc kɔc në pïu! = give people some water!
17. Miir ee län roor = giraffe is a wild animal.
18. Ɣɛn nuan arëët = I am very busy.
19. Ɣöt acï yïk në noon = the house has built with grass.
20. Raan thii aceŋ nɔk = the young man is wearing a feather.
21. Diɛt aa nyool nak piny = the birds are plucking feathers on the floor.
22. Abuk acï ca nöök = Abuk has hung the milk.
23. Meth anok = the child is drowsing.
24. Meth acï nok = the child has drowsed.
25. Yen acï gɔɔc në kë nok en piiny= he was beginning to drowse on the floor.
26. Piööl atɔ̈ nhial = cloud is in the sky.
27. Ɣɛn rem nhiaal = I have a knee pain.
28. Nhiɛ̈ɛ̈r ee kë de raan ëbɛ̈n = love is for everyone.
29. Bol anɔŋ nhom nhiɛ̈m ɣer = Bol head has a white hair.
30. Gɔ̈c ëgɔɔcë käŋ ëciɛkë Nhialic nhial ku piny = in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
31. Ŋeth anɔŋic mac = the ash has a fire.
32. Meth acï wun Ŋal bë yiɛ̈n miɔɔr= the child begged his father to him bull.
33. Ŋet ee luɔɔi rac arëëtic = persecution is very a bad practice.
34. Ŋëm agencol! = Look at the blackboard!
35. Ŋëm ɣa! = Look at me!
36. Abrähäm ee ye ŋɔ̈th ɣɔn në gäm =Abraham believed in hope then.
37. Kuac ee län ŋɛɛny arëëtic = cheetah iɛ a very brave animal
38. Yen acï ŋuɔt ke jam = He continued talking.
39. Miir ee tiim nyuɔ̈ɔ̈th. = Giraffe grazes on trees.
40. Nyïc ee kë piɛth lɔwai = knowledge is very important.
41. Nya adiɛ̈r = the girl is dancing.
42. Raau akul domic = the sorghum is geminating
43. Raau acï kul domic = the sorghum has geminated
44. Raau akën kul domic = the sorghum in not geminate.
45. Raau acïï bë kul domic = the sorghum will not be geminate.
46. Rap aakul domic = the sorghums are geminating.
47. Akɔ̈ɔ̈n atɔ̈ ruup = the elephant is in the jungle.
48. Bol acï ɣönde yïk roor = Bol has built his house in the jungle.
49. Rap aacï kul domic = the sorghums have geminate.
50. Dom aya puur në rap. = I cultivate the farm with grains.