Friday, February 19, 2021

Common Verbs in the Simple Present

To ask
1. Ɣɛn ye thïc = I ask
2. Yïn ye thïc = You ask (singular)
3. Wɔ ye thïc = We ask
4. We ye thïc = You ask(plural)
5. Keek aaye thïc = They ask
6. Yen e thïc = He asks
7. Yen e thïc = She asks
8. Yen e thiëc = It asks

Negative to ask
1. Ɣɛn cee thïc = I do not ask
2. Yïn cee thïc = You do not ask(singular)
3. Wɔ cee thïc = We do not ask
4. We cee luui = you do not work(plural)
5. Keek aacee thïc = They do not ask
6. Yen acee thïc = He does not ask
7. Yen acee thïc = She does not ask
8. Yen acee thïc = It does not ask

To work
1. Ɣɛn ye luui = I work
2. Yïn ye luui = You work(singular)
3. Wɔ ye luui = We work
4. We ye luui = you work(plural)
5. Keek aaye luui = They work
6. Yen e luui = He works
7. Yen e luui = She works
8. Yen e luui = It works

Negative: to work
1. Ɣɛn cee luui = I do not work
2. Yïn cee luui = You do not work(singular)
3. Wɔ cee luui = We do not work
4. We cee luui = You do not work(plural)
5. Keek aacee luui = They do not work
6. Yen acee luui = He does not work
7. Yen acee luui = She does not work
8. Yen acee luui = It does not work

To call
1. Ɣɛn ye cööt = I call
2. Yïn ye cööt = You call(singular)
3. Wɔ ye cööt = We call
4. We ye cööt = you call(plural)
5. Keek aaye cööt = They call
6. Yen e cööt = He calls
7. Yen e cööt = She calls
8. Yen e cööt = It calls

Negative to call
1. Ɣɛn cee cööt = I do not call
2. Yïn cee cööt = You do not call(singular)
3. Wɔ cee cööt = We do not call
4. We cee cööt = you do not
5. Keek aacee cööt = They do not call
6. Yen acee cööt = He does not call
7. Yen acee cööt = She does not call
8. Yen acee cööt = It does not call

Some Dinka Vocabulary list
1.Muɔ̈kwei = Abstain
2.Luŋëyɔu= breastplate
3.Aräm = favored one
4.Yɔŋ = mistreated
5.Ŋet= presecuition.
6.Piɔ̈nlɔpäk = languish
7.Guŋ = stoop
8.Guŋ piny = stoop down
9.Luɔ̈ŋyic = Justice
10.nomdiaŋ = troubled
11.Cïn man en cen wɔ lɔc = Just as he chose us.
12. Kennë = with
13.Kennë ɣa= with me
14.Kennë yïn/yï = with you (singular)
15.Kennë wuɔɔk/wɔ = with us
16 Kennë we/week = with you (piural)
17. Kennë ke/kek = with them
18. Kennë yen/ye = with him
19. Kennë yen/ye = with her
20. Kënnë = this
21. Këtï = that
22. Kakuï = those
23. Jam = talk
24. Jääm = talked
25. Cïï = which/has been
26. Cï guëër = had gathered
27. Dai/dac dhiɛɛl = must soon
28. Këcïkum = mystery
29. Kacïkum = mysteries
30. Duɔ̈tëpiɔu = Encouraged
31. Duɔ̈tëpiɔu = Encouragement
32. Duutpiɔ̈u = Encouraged/comforted
33. Diäärjɔɔk = widows
34. Tiɛŋjɔɔk = widow
35. Diääk = few
36. Cuɔɔr = eagle
37. Biänabuur thiɛ̈rnyiɛɛny ku thiɛ̈rrŋuan ku ŋuan = 144,000
38.Week = separate
39. Acït man cennë ye gɔ̈ɔ̈r = as it is written:
40. Go bɛɛr = Once again
41. Cɔk = hungry
42. Adhuɔ̈m = pit
43. Jɔŋ rac = impure spirit
44. Mëtëk = arbiter
45. Luɔk = yielded
46. Guuk = barns
47. Guk = barn
48. Ŋeeny/ŋɛɛny = boldly
49.Yen a ŋɛɛny = He is boldly
50. Acie yen = not at all
51. Nhiɛ̈nyabiɛi/dhïïm= winepress
52. Yen ee të cï ɣaac = It could have been sold
53. Ye kee töŋ de = It is one of the
54. Cök/yiɛ̈n = may
55. Në aköl ciɛ̈ɛ̈n = in the last days
56. Në aköl kɛ̈ = in those days
57. Gokï lɔ ɣɔu dhöl = they departed
58. Gokï lɔɣɔudhöl = they departed
59. Goku lɔɣɔudhöl = then we departed
60. Bänydït ke ka ke Nhialic = the chief priests
61. Dugɛ̈ɛ̈r ke kɔc = scribes of the people
62. Këgɛ̈ië = wonder
63. Kagɛ̈ike= wonders
64. Kutol/Tuɔ̈lrur/amaar ë tol = billows of smoke
65. Kukuarda = Patriarch
66. Buï = Mocking
67. Buï = mocked
68. Yen acï buï = he has mocked
69. Kën = did not
70.Ɣɛn kën = I did not
71. Keek aakën = they did not
72. Yen akën = he did not
73. Kennë = to the
74. Ëtök = togather
75. Nëtök =togather
76. Baar = sea
77.Yekoba Ducɛ̈ŋ rir = Sovereign Lord
78. Go = so, and, then, when, because,
79. Ɣɔn = when
80. Na ɣɔn = once when
81. Na cï = when
82. Ku na = and if
83. guɔ = yet
84.Ya = being
85. Cï man cen = as he
86. Cïman cen = as he/she
87. Kuɔ̈ɔ̈t/tuɔ̈ɔ̈m/ määt = Heap: Put (objects or a loose substance) in a heap.
88.Yen acë tiim kuɔ̈ɔ̈t në mac = She heaped logs on the fire
89. Korekoot = fat calves
90. Pïŋ = listening
91. Piŋ = listened
92. Piŋ = listen
93. If any = na ye
94. Human things = kake kɔc
95. we y yɔ̈ɔ̈k nëyic = Truly I tell you
96. kake Nhialic = Divine things
97. kɔcpööicëke = Disciples
98. Raanpiööcë = Disciple
99. Kɔ̈th = Stumbling
100. Dugɛ̈ɛ̈r = Scribe
101.Wɛ̈i, waai, = Rebuke
102.Diɛ̈ɛ̈u/mutaham = Suspect