Friday, December 25, 2020

The quizzes for the Dinka language about the letters and some conversational sentences about each letter.

 Luɔibaai (Homework)Week 3                             

                                                    Pɛɛi nïn (Date): _______________

Rinku (Your name) __________________________________________

Luɔibaai (Homework) ________________________________________

Luɔi (Exercise):

1.   List five or more words that are start with or have a letter A and make two sentences.

Letter A examples: Abac, Abuna, Akɔ̈l, Aruɔ̈ɔ̈r, Areu, Alööth, Aŋu Ator, Agɔɔk.





    Write two conversational sentences about the letter A/Ä

The first two examples have been done for you.

1.    Awalwala ee miɛ̈th tuc (lëth) arëët = Awalwalla is very hot food.

2.    Aköu ee miɛ̈th mit = Aköu is delicious food.



Luɔibaai (Homework): Week 4                                  

                                             Pɛɛi nïn (Date): _____________________

Rinku (Your name) _______________________________________________

Luɔibaai (Homework) ___________________________________________

Lesson: Letter E

Vocabularies: list five or more words that are start with or have a letter E/Ë and make two sentences.

Letter E examples: E, Eenë, Eloi, Eetï, Eelɔ, Meer, Ameer, mer, Eya, Kec, Abel, neem, nem




Luɔi (Exercise): write two conversational sentences about the letter E/Ë

The first two examples have been done for you.

1.    Yïn ca leec = I have thanked you or thank you.

2.    Ee yic, ku yïn liɛm = it is true, and I ask you.